People before IT
We would love the opportunity to work with your business or organisation. We believe we have the perfect blend of technical, customer service and support skills to provide you with a cost effective and high performing solution. We have been trusted by our customers in providing these services and solutions to this market sector for over 15 years and we understand the business drivers and needs of these organisations.
The ‘One Stop IT Shop’
Many customers simply want one company to provide solutions to all their IT and computer requirements from supply of hardware and software to installation and ongoing support. We can provide complete support from the desktop to the server and everything in between.
Consistent Delivery of Service
Our service model has been built up over many years by delivering high quality consistent Customer focussed solutions to our customers. We continually look to improve these services with advances in technology and our persistent ongoing goal of raising support standards to achieve excellence in service.
On time and in budget!
Our aim is to provide a high level of service and reliability without breaking our Customer’s bank accounts. We don’t believe in surprises and provide fixed costs where possible. We advise on risk when appropriate and on completion of the job provide full documentation of the time spent.
Problem Ownership
We know Customers want their computer projects and issues to be taken care of efficiently and with minimum disruption. We have a custom built application to manage, track and escalate our Customer requests. Customers in our Partnership plan can rest assured that we will be responsible & accountable for their computer systems and support requirements.
Our response is focused on bringing you The Best Experience in terms of:
- Design and implementation of networks and software
- The commission and complaints management sector
- Ongoing support and maintenance
- Proactive and collaborative relationships with our customers
- A one stop shop for all of your IT needs now and in the future
- The right size support company for you
- IT management experience
- Flexibility and agility

Our aim for our relationship with you is Less Stress – More Success. This is where we bring the best of our experience and work with the best of your experience to deliver what your business needs from an IT point of view. We do that in a collaborative way that works really well for everyone and is open and transparent.